A dad's fumblings in the wargaming hobby

Me (a dad) getting back into the wargaming hobby after years of suffering from the "no free time - illness"

SCI-FI aficionado

Spaceships! Aliens! Lasers!

Be it in films, books, artwork, ... all that spacey stuff gives me nerdgasms

Tabletop wargames

Throwing dice, moving miniatures over a detailed battlefield, reading about those beautifully created universes and stories

I planned to get back into Mordheim this year, but after playing Kill Team in the 40K universe I really wanted to give Warcry, basically Kill Team in the Warhammer Fantasy setting, a try.

Wishing everybody happy holidays with this fantastic model from the Cursed City box.

All pictures courtesy of a lousy photographer and the good ones are from other people or the internet ;-)
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