My first full year after getting back into the hobby and I hardly played any games and managed to finish only 2 projects that I started, a fleet of starships and a 6mm army of Dinoriders. I did however managed to stockpile miniatures to last me at least a couple of years .... and I'm still buying more!

This all started with a creative painting challenge run by my local games store. You randomly pull out a blister from a blind bag and then paint that model as creatively as possible. I pulled out this great looking Adeptus Mechanicus miniature, but I don't intend on ever collecting or playing with this faction. I was planning on someday...

Since I really like spaceships I thought it would be a good idea to try this out on one of the new spaceship miniatures I got as a gift from one of my friends.

If I want to start playing some Combat Patrol games of 40K at home I will also have to get at least two forces battle ready along with the terrain I'm painting up.

The current restrictions of real life make it largely impossible to play at your local club or store, so why not make the best of it and take the time to create a small(ish) battlefield for smaller at home games of 40K.

Tabletop spaceship combat, although I love Warhammer 40.000, are still some of the best tabletop miniatures games I ever played. Full Thrust and Babylon 5: A Call To Arms are the two I used to play the most. Fast paced, minimal bookkeeping and loads of fun!

This was by far the biggest painting project I've ever done, but it wasn't as hard to do as I had made myself believe it would be.

All pictures courtesy of a lousy photographer and the good ones are from other people or the internet ;-)
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