Spooky Firstborn Space Marines


Finally found a colour scheme for my Firstborn Space Marines that I both like and is extremely speedpaint friendly! 

Since I'm planning on making a Firstborn army of at least 2000 points I needed a way of painting them that was both fun to do and as fast as possible. After painting several test models that I didn't really liked a Google image search led me to something called "concept armies". One of these is a spooky ghost way of painting your miniatures and immediately I loved it!

Comprising of easy painting techniques and a minimal selection of colours needed this "ghost concept" gives a very good tabletop quality result.

Check out the tutorial from the very talented guys of Games Workshop here

With about 1500 points worth of mini's assembled and primed I went about making a selection that would make an effective Combat Patrol force of 500 points:

Leading the army as warlord is this awesome Librarian from the Space Hulk boardgame.

A Company Champion makes for a good second in command that is an absolute beast in melee! This is a conversion made from several bits from various second hand purchases.

The compulsory Troop choice is this five man Tactical squad with a heavy bolter for some extra firepower. These are also all converted from various sets both new and secondhand.

Completing the army is this hard hitting and tough as nails Terminator squad. All models are also from the Space Hulk boardgame. These sculpts are amazing! 

I'm really looking forward to adding more units to this army and writing up some background story for it. Are they some sort of Warp spawned abominations? Are they loyalist Space Marines that thanks to some ancient technology are able to alter their appearance to resemble ghosts to instill terror in the enemies of the Imperium? Who knows ...

This "concept style" works very well on infantry models, but will it also work on walkers and vehicles? Only one way to find out ....

All pictures courtesy of a lousy photographer and the good ones are from other people or the internet ;-)
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