Nurgle Daemon proxy army
5 seconds .... that's how long it took from me discovering the Creature Caster website to me thinking "I'm going to build a daemon army with some of these models!"
Highly detailed multi-part models made out of resin (Plague Angel) or Siocast (Children of Ruin) makes the building of the mini's really enjoyable.
When you want to proxy a greater daemon, you want the proxy looking the part: big, menacing and dynamic. As you can see standing next to a Primaris Space Marine, this Plague Angel model checks all those boxes!
While painting the army I wanted to try out some blending. The transition from purple to green took me quite a few tries, but in the end I quite like the look of it. A lot more practice is needed, but it's a start :-)
With this project completed I have a small 500pts army of Nurgle Daemons with a paintjob I'm really proud of!
I took the army to an event: a 2vs2 Warhammer 40.000 tournament. My personal highlight of that day was the big fight between my greater daemon and the beautifully painted Keeper of Secrets!