Nidzilla 2000pts army for Warhammer 40.000


Who does not like big monsters in science fiction? I for one am definitely a fan, so it made sense for me to collect a 40K Tyranid army made up of as many huge nasties as possible!

It took me a couple of months to build and paint them all, but now I can proudly state that my first fully painted 2000pts army is ready for some games!  

Not much thought was put into tactics or specific battlefield roles for each unit, I mostly picked models I really liked the look of. My guess is that with this many high toughness models I will at the very least have a fighting chance no matter what my opponent brings to the table. 

A winged Hive Tyrant. This is actually one of the first models I completed after getting back into the hobby. Some small modifications to its paintjob and base and he fits right in! 

The Swarmlord. An absolute beast in melee and with some psychic powers added to his ability to propel another Tyranid unit forward in the shooting phase he will be great fun to play! 

A Scythed Hierodule. This is the biggest boy in the army. He'll probably end up attracting every high strenght shot the opponent can dish out, but if he makes it into melee it will be a bad day for whatever he faces ...  

Trygon Prime. Giant living drill that burrows its way behind enemy lines to unleash tons of shots and a flurry of melee attacks into the enemy. Oh and he can bring along an infantery unit to really ruin the enemies day! 

Tyrannofex. Two of these living tanks bring a healthy amount of high strenght long range fire to the table, they also look so freaking cool! 

Zoanthropes. Floating big brain bugs that can obliterate things with their minds ... what more reason could you need to include these monsters in your army? 

Tyranid warriors. The smallest monsters in this army, although small is somewhat relative. These warriors still tower above a primaris space marine and can eat them as a snack too! 

A combat patrol force of Genestealers with a Broodlord is the fast paced scouting part of the army. 

Spore Mines. Not really monsters, bit I still really like the models and it can't hurt to have some living bombs to hurl at enemy units. 

This all makes up a complete force of 2000pts ready to take on whatever it faces on the battlefield head on! I still want to add units to this army and since I just discovered some even bigger models expect to see some huuuuuuge monsters joining the fight in the not so distant future! 

All pictures courtesy of a lousy photographer and the good ones are from other people or the internet ;-)
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