Gaslands Refuelled: postapocalyptic vehicular mayhem!


I only recently discovered this tabletop game. Actually, rulebook is a better description. This book allows you to build your own Mad Max-style vehicles to use in a tabletop wargame. 

Now I must admit that I've only browsed through the rules. Just enough to learn that the most popular means of building the needed miniatures for the game is to convert 1/64 scale diecast cars. That are those little toy cars everybody has at least a couple off laying around collecting dust.

Once I read that I stopped reading and starting converting! I'll learn the rules someday, but now it's time to build some postapocalyptic cars!

After a little bit of searching through boxes of old toys I found these four little cars. Perfect for converting into postapocalyptic machines of carnage!

A few bits of 40K stuff and some left over MDF from terrain kits and they were ready for some grey primer.

A quick and messy paintjob, lots of washes and drybrushing, later they look the part and are ready for some tabletop fun!

Starting from the grey primer I drybrushed them with a 50/50 mix of black and brown. Followed by a heavy overbrushing with a mix of black wash, brown wash and Typhus corrosion from Citadel. 

I drybrushed yellow on the bodywork of the vehicles and painted the weapons with a mix of bronze metallic and grey paint. This then got a liberal brown wash followed by a light overbrushing with the original colours. 

The added armour on the truck was painted black and drybrushed with a silver metallic paint.

The windows I painted with a light grey that, once dry, was soaked with very heavily watered down Zandri Dust paint from Citadel. This dries with a very dusty look.

I added some dried mud on the bottom of the cars using a thick brown texture paint that got a light drybrush with Zandri Dust.

Aaaaaaand done! Only 2 evenings of painting and my small collection is tabletop ready. 

Now where did I put that rulebook? 

All pictures courtesy of a lousy photographer and the good ones are from other people or the internet ;-)
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